Sunday, January 18, 2009

& love until your hands bleed.

as for tonight...
lots of things have got me feeling less timid.
I don't want to get into too much detail yet, but I can say that I fully retract my blog asking everyone to tell me what to do with my life. Although, John did give me some really great advice about kicking old ladies in wheelchairs...
I think I've got this one on my own.
Oprah's been helping me out, too, so there's no need to worry.
I highly recommend her spirituality webcast.
I think the biggest thing I learned was that we are not going to be haunted by what we went for.
So I think I'll go for it.
Pray with intention and list movements of grace.

Thanks Op, You're a real pal.

& this isn't from her, but it did help to put more perspective on things.
"Hard times offer the opportunity to ask hard questions, and one of them is the one my friend asked, staring at sweaters and shoes: why did we buy all this stuff? Did anyone really need a flat-screen in the bedroom, or a designer handbag, or three cars? If the mall is our temple, then Marc Jacobs is God. There’s a scary thought."

=[ =/ =]]]

1 comment:

Landon Tucker Swindoll said...

So where is that last quote from?
And when are you coming?

Aaaaand you're listening to Page France.
That album is beauty (but...I think I may even like Come, I'm A Lion! even more).

...I luh you.