Friday, January 16, 2009

I wrote this yesterday...

& somehow it saved as a draft instead of posting.

nuff sed.

Second. I think you should go listen to the song my fantastic boyfriend wrote me for Christmas because it's wonderful.
He also did a daaaaang good Manchester Orchestra cover. So listen to that, too
I love it. & so will you.
Thank you, Landon. It was a Merry Christmas.

Third. I have to say miracles make my day and seeing the footage of the passengers standing on the wings of the plane on the Hudson was so insane. And also wonderful.
So hooray for miracles.

annnd fourth.
Landon is on a roll with his blogging and I need to pretend to catch up...
Today I saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
I only talked to a couple people about this movie before I went with my mom.
All I heard was that it was extremely long. I asked people if they liked it and it was always iffy shrugs or "yeah it was good"
No one I've talked to were nearly as enthusiastic as I feel like this film deserves. (except for the academy. hah.)
It could be because the last film I saw was Revolutionary Road & that put me in a temporarily harsh depression. So this could have just been the beam of light I needed at the time, but I thought it was beautifully made, unique, inspiring, well acted, and full of goodnesssss.
I want you to go see it right now.
And I want you to get over the fact that is not your standard film length.
It tells so many wonderful stories of the interconnectivity of people and how you can learn endless amounts of things from everyone surrounding you.
The concept of witnessing everyone you love and learn from grow older and die while you grow younger just really hit a strange spot in me. Not because I'm growing younger physically (although it would be sweet to have my body back from when I was 15...) but I think in this time of my life when I'm making tons of decisions all the time it was wonderful to see a character that was so brave, innocent, selfless and genuine.
To be misunderstood and treated differently because of appearance happens all the time. My mom brought up the idea of how different the world would be if all parents and adults treated their children with the respect that Benjamin received at a very young age (when he looked 80+) How much politeness, courtesy and patience he was given with out demanding it profoundly affected the rest of his life. He was pure and had a good heart. I really liked that.
Plus, how gorgeous is Cate Blanchett?
I realize that it was just a movie and I don't want you to think I'm crazy.

I just want you to know
I walked out feeling taller.
and it made me want to accomplish.

I was going to go into Revolutionary Road, but it would be too depressing in comparison.
One last hooray for Benjamin and Daisy! An on screen relationship that was patient, caring and full of love.


Landon Tucker Swindoll said...

That 1972 cover needs a LOT of work. Way to boomy in the bottom end. Thanks for giving the shout out though. You're the best.

And I think only a little part of Benjamin Button's joy had to do with Kate and Leo's hate. I simply think that movie has a lot of things in it that cater to joyful places in your heart. It's a very warm film.
I'm glad you loved it. =]

But yeah, what was with Miss Blanchett? I had to double take...she is totally added on to like 4 or 5 on my list, even though she's an old person. But to be fair, Mr. Pitt looked...perfect haha. When he drives down that road on his bike, all of us guys just laughed as we all simultaneously thought Wow, that is so unfair.

TracieDarling said...

You're way too boomy in the bottom end.
ahah. You set yourself up for that one.

Brad is definitely on my list now, too.
I think Brad AND Cate might be on my list...