Monday, July 6, 2009



so much going on lately...
Landon finished his first degree program and is going in for an interview for a dub stage internship today. This is very very exciting and I am excited to see if he gets in or not. If he gets it he will have his first IMDB credit by the end of the summer! =] woo hoo for him. Keep your fingers crossed.
Landon's brother, Ryan, came out a couple weeks ago to hang out here in Florida while he defended his thesis for his online program from Full Sail. He got his masters and graduated the same day Landon did so their parents came out to celebrate that weekend. 
It was SO much fun. We went on a tour of the school with Hunter Menning who is incredibly interesting. 
We ate tons of really good food and enjoyed each others company. It was awesome having them out here.

I'm leaving for Utah in 3 days (still in denial). 
My cousin, Tommy, is coming home from his mission in Russia. It will be really fun hanging out with him again. and tons of other people I haven't seen in years. crazy.
Then after a week in Utah I'm going to California for the rest of the summer.
It's going to be weird existing with out Landon around to laugh with, but I'm still happy about it.
I get to play with my babies. 
Life will be good.

okay pictures.

1 comment:

sisterwendy said...

Tracie, you are so incredibly talented! I love your pictures, and I love that you're coming to Utah :) xoxox