Saturday, March 7, 2009

Please, for me...

Radiohead - Videotape - by Wolfgang Jaiser and Claus Winter

So I have to post this for anyone that appreciates all things beautiful...
Mainly for Alishuh and Jessica because they are sometimes the only people that enjoy the artsy crap that I have to share.
So I could just be overly emotional, but no joke I cried the first time through. Just a little.
But that could also be because I have attached emotions to Radiohead and parking garages.

No matter what the cause was,
This video is amazing.
And I really think you should give it a whirl.


Miss J. Davis said...

You need to find a new way to show me because the school block myspace, remember?
I'm really curious to watch.
You know how I feel about Radiohead...

p.s. Anytime iTunes favors me by selecting Idioteque my heart dances for you.

Anonymous said...


was incredible.
art like his needs to be around me all the time.
thank you.