Saturday, February 7, 2009

I told you to be patient

My name is Tracie Ann Miller.
I will be 19 for the next couple of weeks
& I just pulled out my second grey hair.

Thanks, Mom.


Landon Tucker Swindoll said...

Genetics ;/

Miss J. Davis said...

Don't fret! I've got a few grays too. Also, don't pull them out. You'll kill the follicle an start going bald. Just embrace it like Stacey from What Not to Wear has.
I know I'll want your body anyway.

Landon Tucker Swindoll said...

I'm sure it was the prettiest little grey hair ever.

TracieDarling said...

I think I'm going bald, too.
Stacey has it all in one chunk and she's so fashionable...
but if you still want my body I'll be alright.

And thanks Landon.
It was probably the best one ever. Much shorter and stubbier than last.