Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Political politics politicize polish plah plah plaaah.

By tomorrow morning I will have officially voted for the first time.
It is a very exciting event for me and I'm not going to lie I'm severely depressed it's absentee cause then I don't get the "I voted" sticker that I've wanted for myself since I was a little kid.
I always used to steal my moms. hahah.

I'm also just really excited for people to shut up about Prop. 8 (no offense.)
But going to BYU and living in California over the summer...I just feel like it's been done to death.
I've now done all that I can do.
That should be that.

Let's just be happy to be alive, okay???

California for Thanksgiving is going to be wonderful.
I officially have my plane ticket.
ba ba ba da daaaaaaa!!!!!
Halloween is also going to be rad.
I'm going with Sarah Palin because it just seems like the best route.
& If you have the ability to be Sarah Palin you take it, right?
I know I am.
Hey, Chris, you're black. You should be Obama.
(Chris is my friend guys. Don't worry I'm not racist...just jealous.)
I also saw a pretty sweet "Sexy Princess Leia" costume online today that's like the outfit she wears when she's jabba the huts slave in Return of the Jedi. So hot.
I decided that I will purchase that someday if I ever decide to become a slut.
Chances are looking pretty slim nowadays, but hey! A girl can dream, right? Right. Because America is the land of freedom.
It's so depressing sometimes. I think watching 6 hours of debates in one day is a bad idea, but I've figured out that if things don't work out within the next 4-8 years I can just move to Canada.
Or the u.k.
They'll only hate me for awhile....I think.
Oh well.
I took pictures of a little girls birthday party.
You should look at them.

Yeah. check that oooout.


Carrie said...

i'm sure mom can score you a sticker whilst she is running the polls. & it would be your very own that you earned. good woman :)
excited to see you at thankgiving & eat green bean casserole..yummmmmm

Miss J. Davis said...

I agree.
Oh and we need to go to a club.

vanessa lamb photography said...


i found this gem the other day bahhahahahaha

Anonymous said...

your blogger profile pic is out of control amazing.

update more often you whore!

come back soon :]